When functioning properly, your body has a system in place for eliminating toxins and waste. However, recent shifts in our modern habits are placing an increasing amount of strain on our bodies and their natural ability to cleanse themselves. Enter the 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse – a gentle but effective way to help your body process toxins!
The goal of the 5-Day Nutritive Cleanse is to temporarily reduce your intake of food, giving your body the time it needs to expel stored toxins, effectively “resetting” your digestive system so it can function at its best. This is a wonderful cleanse for just about everyone because it allows your body to detox while also providing you with really great nutrients.
Make sure to download or print this helpful guide to provide tips throughout the cleanse!
5-DAY NUTRITIVE CLEANSE TIPS During this cleanse you are consuming things that are entirely digestible. This may be a routine thing for you, but for most of us this will be rare “spa” time for our digestive system and all of our organs. Impaired digestion is somewhere at the root of most health complications. The Balance Complete product you will be making shakes with on your cleanse contains digestive enzymes that will assist in efficient breakdown of the nutrition in the drink for utilization in your cells. By starving Candida, consuming enzymes, and removing toxins that stress your nervous system, you will be creating ideal circumstances for healing, cell regeneration, proper elimination, and rest.
When we open up our cleansing pathways: the colon, the kidneys, the lungs, and the skin (sweating), we enable the body to release unwanted chemicals that interrupt our hormonal balance, we provide a safe environment for weight loss by letting the body know it can release the toxins it has intentionally stored in fat for our protection, and we give our nervous system a chance to relax so that our body can HEAL.
We encourage those tackling any kind of specific health issue to take time right now to be grateful for your body's intelligence in protecting you from toxins. Give thanks for practical ways to address the signals of distress you have picked up on! And purposefully leave every complaint or hopeless thought about your physique and health behind this week. In doing this, you will be mentally and emotionally setting yourself up for success.
If you have unexplained negative emotions this week, embrace the moment as an opportunity to let go of baggage that prevents you from living in total freedom. Gratitude changes your physical chemistry!
Mid-Morning Snack If needed or desired, choose a snack option from the pdf linked above.
Mid-Afternoon Snack If needed or desired, choose a snack option from the pdf linked above.
Evening Snack If needed or desired, choose a snack option from the pdf linked above.
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